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Professional Journey

During my mandatory internship with Conequanum, a distinguished jewelry brand, I took on the crucial role of managing the brand's social media presence and digital marketing efforts.

At Conequanum, I was responsible for creating and curating engaging content for social media, which helped to connect with and expand our audience. I also played a significant role in enhancing the brand's website by designing web banners in WordPress and adding new products, ensuring the online catalog remained up-to-date and visually appealing.

In addition to these tasks, I gained valuable experience in email marketing. I learned to use Mailchimp to design and execute email campaigns, effectively reaching our customer base with promotions and updates. This role honed my skills in digital marketing, covering a broad range of activities from content creation to audience engagement and technical execution.

A particularly rewarding aspect of my internship was the opportunity to directly influence Conequanum's digital presence. Leveraging my background in audiovisual communication, I crafted visually stunning content that resonated with our audience, deepening my appreciation for the power of storytelling and visuals in marketing.

Overall, my time at Conequanum significantly enhanced my technical skills and solidified my passion for social media and digital marketing within the dynamic world of jewelry branding. I am eager to bring this expertise to future roles, continuing to craft compelling visual content and engage with diverse audiences.


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