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to my Site

I'm thrilled to have you here on my portfolio website, where I'll be sharing my journey, experiences, and work. This platform is a glimpse into who I am, what I'm passionate about, and how I've evolved both personally and professionally.

I'm Isabella Cifuentes Trujillo, and I'm on a relentless pursuit of creativity and growth. My journey in audiovisual communication has been an exhilarating ride, and this portfolio serves as a visual narrative of my adventures.

Who am I?

"Showcasing Beauty through Visual Mastery"

Explore my work

Dive into the various sections of my portfolio to discover:

  • Projects: Explore the projects I've had the privilege to work on. From concept to completion, these projects represent my dedication and creativity.

  • Experience: Get to know my professional journey. 

  • Skills: Discover my strengths and expertise. From content creation, social media management,visual design to time organization, teamwork and collaboration, responsability, my skills are the tools I use to bring ideas to life.

"There should be two of us standing here"

Happy Together. Wong kar wai 

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